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K'S House

The K of K'S House refers to the first letter of my two surnames (maiden and marital).
Kurt means wolf, that's how the idea of K'S House came to me, the house of the little wolves, of our babies, our loves.
Since the birth of my wonderful little girl, all the things designed for the well-being of the child, from clothes to development toys and baby products, have become my passion.

Everything started in 2019, when I found out I was pregnant. This experience of pregnancy, all these moments spent with my daughter since she was born, this indescribable love, this pride and this desire to give her everything have created in me the need to retrain and start a new adventure.
This little voice, this motivation and these internal sparkles allowed me to take the plunge and this is how K’S House was born!
K’S House is a universe full of birth boxes, gift boxes for our toddlers or even boxes for all budgets with accessories that will be love to both children and parents!

Jeune femme de 36 ans je travaillais dans une entreprise internationale en tant que chef d’équipe, pendant deux années j’étais en télétravail depuis exactement Mars 2020, cet home office et cette situation sanitaire (Covid) m’ont ouvert l’esprit sur beaucoup de choses, j’ai ainsi décidé en Novembre 2021 de créer en parallèle mon entreprise. J’étais donc à cheval sur mes deux postes (poste auquel je ne suis plus depuis le 1er Juillet 2022 afin de me consacrer à 100% à K’s House), et croyez moi c’était loin d’être facile mais quand l’envie est là nous devenons vite une Wonder Woman 🙂

En plus de ces deux jobs, j’avais et j’ai celui d’être à 100% maman d’une adorable petite fille 🙂
Indeed since my pregnancy, I had the desire to create my own business, to be a manager and to offer the perfect product or the perfect gift…. It took two years to materialize and really take shape… with the reflection of the brand name, the logo, the products, the prices, the website…etc.
I do my own researches, I come up with my ideas, once they are realized I submit them to my husband, my dad, my mom, my sister, my friends who all have been a huge support for me in this new adventure, they boost me and give me confidence for the evolution of K's House.
Après déjà quelques mois d’ouverture de notre eboutique www.kshouse.fr, je suis très confiante pour la suite, beaucoup d’entre vous m’ont déjà fait confiance et continue à me soutenir, je suis fière et heureuse que nos merveilles vous plaisent, mille merci à tous.
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